Is your customer engagement strategy taking advantage of the power of SMS text messaging? 98% of texts are read within 2 minutes and are often under-utilised by SME and micro businesses as a marketing tool but are a great way to engage new and prospective customers, deliver timely communications and enhance customer service. In this post we’ll tell you how to get even more out of text…
Read More...Feedback from customers improves brand authenticity and improves sales by promoting new customers to buy your products. They also provide a platform for business growth by helping you assess customer service, your products and performance. Getting to know your promoters from your detractors, pushing for advocacy and managing customer recovery as fast as possible after an experience increases the chance of getting feedback but also for you to act on it, or even better have happy customers act on it by posting a review.
Read More...Text messaging is one of the most used features on consumers' mobile phones. Done right, texts attracts customers and grows sales thanks to their personalised nature and high uptake rate. If SMS isn’t working for your business or you're looking to include it your marketing mix, read on to learn about tried and tested ways to attract new customers (and engage existing ones) through the power of mobile text engagement.
Read More...Text messaging helps hoteliers understand their guests’ expectations and offer services accordingly. If you’re a hotel owner, you can use the power of text messaging service to enhance the guest experience, boost marketing results, improve customer loyalty, and ultimately, increase revenue
Read More...Football/soccer is by far the most popular sport not only in the UK but also in the whole world. Just like any other team sport, it’s important for a football club to find effective ways to communicate with their fans and the team. One of the best ways to achieve this is to use SMS texting. Football clubs and leagues can benefit from text message services to get close to their fans just like businesses and in this article, we’ll discuss how to achieve that in the most efficient way.