Get fast insights with a subscriber poll

Here’s an example of using hullo’s quick poll campaign. It’s a fast way of getting input from your customers by letting them vote on their choice. Whether its to guide your decision making or as a bit of fun to engage customers, its a quick easy way to have a great interaction.

‘Pete at Coffee 101 is thinking about opening on Sundays but doesn’t know whether this is something customers will take advantage of. To help him decide what to do he’s asking his subscribers if they think it’s a good idea….’


Anna has used the auto reminder ongoing campaign to set up a reminder message and has used some of the data stored for the subscriber to personalise the message when it sends.  It is sent automatically at 10am the day before the event…  

“Hi Jim, we are thinking about opening Sundays at Coffee 101 but we’d like to know what our customers think. Is it a good idea? 1. Yes, go for it! 2. No, stay closed."


Using hullo’s Quick Start Campaigns, Pete can create his question in minutes and choose who he’ll target it to. He’s sending it to all of his subscribers to try and get a steer for whether its something he should do or not. Hullo will keep him up to date on progress in the live feed so he can see in realtime what everyone thinks.   


A poll is a perfect mini interaction with your subscribers. It’s easy for them to reply, just one letter, and you get a live view of the response. Plus, the interaction helps customers feel their opinion is valued and brings them more into your community.